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A New Home for Families

Our Site

When looking at site options, it was important that it be in a family-oriented neighbourhood and in close proximity to an existing Trellis Hub to ensure families had easy access to community supports.


It became apparent that the Bowness site was ideally located and a great place for families to thrive. This site is located at 6623 Bowness Road NW which is on the northwestern side of Bowness Road NW and currently owned by the City of Calgary.


The area surrounding the site is mainly single-family residential and multi-family residential. The current zoning of the site is R-CG (Residential Grade Oriented Infill). This zoning is intended to accommodate existing residential and contextually sensitive redevelopment.


The site is currently an empty lot with a small playground that was installed by the City of Calgary.


A portion of the proceeds of the sale are to be reinvested into other Park infrastructure elsewhere in the community.​

Google Map image of the new family housing project location

Why Bowness?

Trellis has been part of the Bowness community since 1976.


At the Trellis Hub you may have seen kids playing outside during summer camp, dropped off your own kids at our pre-school or stopped by our booth during Neighbour Day or the Bowness Stampede Parade.


Our All In For Youth team at Bowness High support young people to stay in school, Trellis staff work across Bowness connecting residents with resources like rental assistance and food, and we support youth in our group home to connect back to their families.

In 2023, Trellis' Bowness Hub identified 27 families that were at risk of homelessness. Every single one of these families were Bowness families, neighbours of ours, and supported through Trellis to make sure they are safe.


We are deeply invested in the community and in ensuring that the work we do contributes back to our neighbours in positive ways.

Two people stand in front of the Trellis Society Bowness Club building

Alignment with Bowness ARP

Area Redevelopment Plans (ARPs) are planning documents that set out comprehensive land use policies and proposals to guide the future of individual communities.


The Bowness Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP) was approved by City Council on December 17, 2019. The Bowness ARP's planning horizon is 10-15 years and was developed with Bownesian feedback. The ARP indicates that residential land use is a key strategy for Bowness. In Section 6.5 the City of Calgary has indicated that City owned lands presently designated for residential land use should be expedited and re-use to maximize housing choices.


The New Home for Families building is on City owned land currently designated as Residential - Grade Oriented Infill (R-CG). Adjacent properties are zoned as Multi-Residential Contextual Medium Profile District (M-C2) and Multi-Residential Contextual Low Profile District (M-C1).


In the Bowness ARP this parcel is designated as Neighbourhood Mid-Rise. The City of Calgary Developed Areas Guidebook (PDF) defines this as: predominantly for residential uses; up to six storeys in height; and providing a sensitive interface between higher intensity and lower intensity areas.

Trellis_ARP_Zoom In.png

City Disposition of Parcel

The property was originally acquired by the City in 1973 for future Shaganappi Trail/Bow River overpass that never progressed. The property’s current land use is Residential – Grade Oriented Infill (R-CG). The Bowness Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP) was approved by City Council on December 17, 2019, identifying the property as within the “Neighbourhood – Mid-Rise” district, and did not include the parcel in its current or future open space plans.


The property was determined to be surplus to municipal requirements and on October 14, 2022, Council approved a Method of Disposition (MOD) that included 6623 Bowness Rd NW as a Non-Market Land Sale #3 (NMLS#3) site. The property was marketed in March 2023 and Trellis Society was selected as the successful applicant.


A portion of the proceeds of the sale are to be reinvested into other Park infrastructure elsewhere in the community.


Please refer to the 2019 Bowness Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP) map for more information.

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Park Infrastructure

As part of the disposition of this land from the City of Calgary, a portion of the proceeds of the sales are to be re-invested into other Park infrastructure elsewhere in the community.


We know the current playground equipment is out of date. As Trellis also works, lives, and plays here in Bowness, we value outdoor safe play areas for all children and families. We will work with the City of Calgary to develop a park and playground in close proximity to the current location that is safe and accessible for all children and families.


Please refer to the 2019 Bowness Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP) open space and schools map for more information.


New Home for Families Building Schedule

Development Schedule

1. Design

Start July 2024

Complete March 2025

4. Development Permit

Submit September 2024

Complete December 2024

2. Land Use

Submit July 2024

Complete December 2024

5. Construction

Start Spring 2025

Complete Fall 2026

3. Public Engagement

Design Stage

June, September & November 2024

Construction Stage

Spring 2025 to Fall 2026

6. Commissioning

Complete Fall 2026

Permitting & Engagement Schedule

Trellis met with residents in June 2024 as part of a regularly scheduled meeting at the Bowness Community Association. At that time we had no plans, the goal was to better understand community concerns and opportunities regarding the affordable housing building.

In September 2024, Trellis will hosted two open house events to meet with residents and discuss the project.

Events in November 2024, Spring 2025 and Fall 2026 will be public hearings hosted by the City of Calgary. These are part of the Land Use Amendment and Development Permit applications for the New Home for Families building. 

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City of Calgary Process

As with every project that is seeking a Land Use Amendment there will be an opportunity to provide feedback directly to the City of Calgary as they review the application.

We have submitted our initial application for feedback and will provide updated information for that application on this website. We are planning to complete a concurrent Land Use Application and Development Permit which will allow the community to see what the building will really look like instead of descriptors in the land use bylaw.

City of Calgary_Process.png

Project Team

Our project team consists of three consultant groups:  Larkspur, LOLA Architecture, and Chandos Construction.​​


Chandos Construction

Have great experience working within communities during construction.


LOLA Architecture

Brings extensive experience in this type of development, and an excellent track-record for designing aesthetically pleasing and considerate designs.​


Larkspur Group

The Development Management firm who will manage the project on our behalf ensuring the building comes in on schedule and on budget. 

Community Comments

We want to hear from you about Trellis' New Home for Families.

If you are looking for additional information, let us know and we'll get back to you shortly.

Share Your Feedback With Us

For those unable to attend our event or live in the neighbourhood, we invite you to provide comments below.

©2025 by Trellis Society. 

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